Call Upon God, He Will Stand by You

When you walk and someone calls your name, What would you do? You will look in the direction of sound. If everyone reacts to their name being called, why wouldn't God? God would stand by your side when you called upon Him. If you only think about visible things that can stand up for you, you're overlooking something important.

Do You Believe on God

We are surrounded by many types of light that we can't see because they're not visible to our eyes. You can't see or feel X-rays, but you still undergo X-ray tests when a doctor suggests it. Other types of rays also exist, even if we can't perceive them. Every kind of light that surrounds us has a distinct frequency and energy. Energy, which is represented by frequency, is the basis of everything. Everything is therefore a type of frequency.

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Just like tuning into different radio FM stations by setting their frequency, we can also tune into other different frequencies. Your prayers are also a form of frequency. So wholeheartedly pray to God., and He will stand by you.

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